Support for teachers stays the same as today, with teacher salaries beginning at around $40,000 and growing to $70,000 on average by the end of their teaching career. Even fewer of the best and brightest young people are attracted into the teaching profession, and those who enter are likely to leave the profession. The teacher shortage deepens, which threatens the ability to ensure an effective and qualified teacher in each classroom. No additional money is spent on teacher salaries beyond what is required by growth and inflation. Collaboration among K-12 education, higher education, technical college, and business is mediocre, resulting in many gaps in addressing workforce and educational needs.
As a result, educational outcomes remain the same as today, with the same percent of students obtaining post-secondary degrees and certificates. The jobs that grow and are attracted to Utah County follow current trends, with the largest numbers of jobs clustering in office & administrative support, sales, and food services. Computer & mathematical, legal, and construction & extraction occupations grow the most quickly. Tax revenue per capita is similar to today.